
  • Permeate Flow :  11,000 gpd (41.6 m3/d)
  • Salt Rejection :  99.7% (99.6% minimum)
Application Data
  • Maximum Applied Pressure :  600 psig (4.16 MPa)
  • Maximum Chlorine Concentration :  < 0.1 ppm
  • Maximum Operating Temperature :  113 ° F (45 ° C)
  • pH Range, Continuous (Cleaning) :   2-10.8 (1-12.5)
  • Maximum Feedwater Turbidity :  1.0 NTU
  • Maximum Feedwater SDI (15 mins) :  5.0
  • Maximum Feed Flow :  75 gpm (17.0 m3/h)
  • Minimum Ratio of Concentrate to Permeate Flow for any Element :  5:1
  • Maximum Pressure Drop for Each Element :  105 psi

The limitations shown here are for general use. For specific projects, operating at more conservative values may ensure the best performance and longest life of the membrane. See Hydranuatics Technical Bulletins for more detail on operation limits,cleaning pH, and cleaning temperatures.

Test Conditions

The stated performance is initial (data taken after 30 minutes of operation), based on the following conditions :

  • 1500 PPM NaCI solution
  • 225 psi (1.55 MPa) Applied Pressure
  • 77 ° F (55 ° C) Operating Temperature
  • 15% Permeate Recovery
  • 6.5 - 7.0 pH Range
A, inches(mm) B, inches(mm) C, inches(mm) Weight, lbs.(kg)
40.0   (1016) 7.89   (200) 1.125   (28.6) 36   (16.4)

Notice : Permeate flow for individual elements may vary ± 15 percent. Membrane active area may vary ± 4%. All membrane elements are supplied with a brine seal, interconnector, and 0-rings. Elements are vucuum sealed in a polyethylene bag containing less than 1.0% sodium meta-bisulfite solution, and the packaged in a cardboard box.